The Melchior Marionettes perform a cabaret-style variety show using three generations of half- life sized marionette (puppets on strings) creations. This troupe was started by Erica Melchior in the early 1950's and continues to this day to entertain audiences in the midwest and abroad. Each marionette will be performed by Peggy, Heidi or Nevi.
The show length is approximately approximately 30-35 minutes and can be lengthened with Q & A and educational information as needed. This show format is great for all ages and is wonderful for family entertainment. They bring everything needed for the show including lights, sound equipment, stage and of course marionettes.
The venue should be indoors or shielded from the outside elements. For large audiences, it is preferred that risers or a stage type setting be provided. Each venue is different and most are workable. Options can be discussed in advance. A performance area of approximately 16' x 16' and close availability to an electrical out is needed. Audience members sit in front of this space.
The Melchior Marionettes performed at Peewinkle's Puppet Studio, in downtown Indianapolis, for 23 years.
"The slightly Haunted Puppet Show" - family friendly with classic Halloween characters and music
"Christmas Cabaret on Strings" - Classic holiday tunes with marionettes
History of Puppetry Lecture/Demo - for clubs or classroom View a wide variety of puppets, both vintage and international and learn the importance of puppetry in the social development around the world.
Workshops - Easy workshops for classroom or scouts
Erica Melchior (1922-1977) Founder and German immigrant, attended Textil und Mode Schule, Berlin
Peggy Melchior Pearson, BFA of Cleveland Institute of Art
Heidi PearsonShackleford, BFA of Columbus School of Art, BA of IUPUI, High School art teacher
Nevi Shackleford, freshman, Indiana State University...upcoming 4th generation!!